Reiki and a Power Chakra Resolution
Edward was a man in his late thirties who came to me with pain in his solar plexus. This energy area of the body is related to the Power Chakra. When he got on the Reiki table and I ran the energy it was satisfying to be there for the unblocking, untangling and balancing that needed to occur. Naturally the Reiki Blessings helped to balance out all levels of his energy field. I love to watch individuals shift and expand into a peaceful state of energy. As a life long Reiki Practitioner, I often feel resonance with the process of the Reiki Healee where I expand into a peaceful state of energ with the individual that I am working with.
Edwards issue in the solar plexus was being taken care of during the session but I could tell that the negative issue at hand would reform if a new mindset and practice was not utilized. As Reiki Participants often ask for Aura Feedback with Intuitive Coaching this was definitely an ideal situation to help Edward understand his dynamics around power and his personal relationships.
I asked a few questions and Edward revealed to me that he was going through a difficult relationship change and that this very painful life shift was enacted largely due to the fact that he had a dominant personality and controlled the relationship to the degree that it had to end.
Through Edwards coaching process he discovered that the very strong tendency to control dynamics in the current relationship stemmed from suppressed and repressed emotional energies that began in early childhood. This person felt unsafe and rejected in many ways by family members. While individuals develop differently when these types of dynamics are present in early childhood this person felt the need to enact a sense of power through dominating his younger siblings and through being inflexible and controlling at playtime or during activities.
Edward's personality around power was often a gift as he would organize and land in leadership roles when it related to activities as he grew up. As a teenager he often played Dungeon Master in Dungeon and Dragons campaigns, he was manager of a Democratic Organization in College and currently he owns an IT company with over 25 employees.
I asked Edward to pay attention to how he felt around his solar plexus. He mentioned that it felt much better as the Reiki Blessing has begun to do its considerable work on this area. He also described the remnants of a very painful knot in this area. I let him know that as he explores energy awareness, he can learn to make space for the pain in his aura and in his energy body and that there is great benefit in knowing that the pain is a build up of lower vibration thought energy utilized or well practiced over a long period of time. As he becomes present with his own energy more often he will be able to be present to the effects of controlling thinking patterns. In being more present in this way a stronger sense to change mindsets and practices is natural as one can tell that there are negative energy effects directly connected to lower energy relational dynamics.
As Edward sat with the pain in his solar plexus, and after having a good sense of how current issues were staged in the distant past, I asked him to hold his mind open and ask what is this pain trying to tell him about his current life. The face of his X wife came up in awareness. He could tell that the knot seemed seemed to get tighter and more painful as he saw her face.
I asked him to allow for this image and any other similar images to come up along with any more related feelings. I asked him to think about the pain level and to give me a number from 1 to 10, 10 being the heaviest form of energy and the deepest form of pain. He gave the number 7. As he did this I asked him to contintue to make space for this feeling and then explore what it felt like to hold in mind the phrase, "I allow you completely and please express yourself in in your life all the ways that you need to". He spoke the words out loud for about 2 minutes while remaining intentional and deliberate about being with his solar plexus energy. He soon announced that the pain level went down to a 3.
As the session needed to come to a close there were very measurable benefits and a feeling of authentic progress. He agreed to come back for a number of more sessions so that he could get on top of practicing the mindset that moved him from a feeling of pain at a 7 to that of a 3. He agreed that this awareness and the practice at hand will be instrumental in balancing out his power chakra and all of his relationships whether it be with a new life partner, his family, relationships in his company or any and all individuals on his life journey.