Reiki Helps to Resolve Grounding Issue
A Reiki Healee had an interruption in the energy flow around her feet. When I put my hand in this area I could feel stinging pain on my hand and fingers. While this was so, I also noticed that there was plenty of bright vital energy farther into the base of her aura. The Reiki blessing easily gave its uplifting light to areas of her field that represents fundamental or foundational areas of her self and her life.
She also had very strong and vibrant energy flows thoughout the rest of her aura. I could tell that the interruption in the flow of energy around the feet represented a pattern that undermines fundamental progress. It seemed very unfortunate that such a bright person with many talents.
As she came for a series of sessions I was able to asked a few questions and do some coaching that was focused on her life patterns. She told me about her and her lifestyle and informed me that she is an business owner and a breathwork teacher. These facts along with other similar details about her explained the strong overall good energy. The interuption in her flow represented an area of her energy and her life that is a next step in her evolution.
It occurred to me that she had issues with slowing down and with discerning through the long list of options that are given to her in her life journey. While she is a very aware person continued growth now means to integrate with a more grounded way of being.
One example of moving towards a more grounded way of being came clear as the coaching situation continued. It became clear that she needed to prioritize her life and act with more conviction about what she wants in life. For example, in one aspect of her life she realized that this meant saying no to few dating opportunites with individuals that were distractions rather than life partner opportunies. When she let these individuals know that they were not a match for her there was a break in the painful energy block that existed around her feet. The Energy flowed through and filled the bottom half of her aura. I did some intentional things around her feet to free up the energy while she was in a Reiki Session with me. She was grateful to have a fully integrated approach to Reiki as I gave her aura feedback and Intuitive Coaching.